
Friday, August 27, 2010

Inside the campus ( Descriptive )

                        Have you ever encountered many things that you don't expect to ba happen in your life? whatever?, wherever? and whenever may be?. Whether you like it or not, well, for sure many of us thought that this was kind of "weirdiness".
                    When I'm in highschool, There was a lot of events came. Our school is CHS. As I defined it, for me, it is wide enough campus, enough trees and plants, there's a big quadrangle, lots of rooms in every building, nice gymnasium, there's a cute garden, many canteens and cafeteria, many teachers and as expected a lot of students.
                 Inside the campus. I have met my very special bestfriends. They were Zenrey, Kentaro, Cherokee, Rodrigo, Ederlyn, Angelique, Kevin and Rhowell. The first one I want to introduce is Zenrey. He is a kind of "Torpe Boy". He is chubby, cute and friendly. Every girl he wants or likes, he can't tell his feelings to the girl. He felt nervous everytime he met the girl in face-to-face. He is my bestfriend since we were in elementary. Next is Kentaro. He is a half-japanese boy. He is tall, white and "chinito". He is a big fan of japanese anime. He is also my bestfriend since we were in 2nd year highschool. Next is Cherokee. He is fat, cute, friendly and comedian as in "joker". Eventhough he is not the ideal man of some girls, still he is the "chickboy" in our group. He is also my bestfriend whom admired me most. Next is Rodrigo. He is smart, funny and quite weird. I admired him specially through mathematics. He is super genius in math problems. We were competing in every academics but then we were bestfriends until now. Next is Ederlyn. Ederlyn is my very special best friend. We treated each others as "sisters". Every time I have a problem, she is there to comfort me when I'm sad. She is cute, funny, friendly and also "weird". She is also a big fan of anime. She loves to read pocket books and mangas. She is quite crazy like me. I love the way she laughs because I imagine that whenever she laughs, It's like that theres no tomorrow. I really missed her so much. I treated her as my "big sister". She is still my "partner-in-crime". I love it so much. Next is Angelique. We were friends since we were in 1st year high school. She is smart, quite behave and friendly. She is a big fan also of anime, japanese band and songs of japan. Every time I'm listening to her, I thought the "weird things had been spread out. I think the missing part/piece in her life is to become a "Japanese citizen". Even the cultures of japan she knew. I admired her too and I like her aims and goals. Next is Kevin. He is thin, gay, friendly and sarcastic. He is also a fan of anime. He doesn't like to eat vegetables that's why he is very thin. I think his motto in life is " I don't care what is around me, just to watch anime and cartoons , I'm very happy". All I can is "ouch". I want to ask him if he is getting crazy? because I know that is too much weirdiness. Even though I don't like his beliefs, still he is one of my best of friend.and last is Rhowell. He is smart, funny, friendly and talkative. He was the 1st honor in our class when we're in 4th year high school. He likes me even though he is undefined until now. I look up on him because of his determination to study very well.
                         As I compare each of us, we have a different personalities but we have the same interests and goals in life that's why we were tied together and treated one another as "brothers and sisters".
                         There were times when me and my friends didn't have a work to do. So, we usually made our precious time be useful. We often went in the cafeteria and are our favorite foods. The cafeteria was enough for us to enjoy each others trips. If the cafeteria was full, we stayed on the stage. The stage was sometimes vacant. Every time we're on the stage, we observed the fresh air, wide place and the silence. We loved it so much. Next place was at the canteen. The canteens in the campus have many assorted foods for you to choose. This was the place where me and my best friends met and this was we called our home based.
                       As a whole, I love my best of friends as I love myself. We respect, unite and treat each others like family. I miss them and I love them for what they are and they do love me for what I am. And friendship is  the most special relationship that could lasts forever.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Sentimental Happiness (Narrative)

                         First of all, I knew that everyone of us had a good times with someone else specially like family, friends, classmates and even loved ones. I am sure that you trasured it very preciously. Well, could you still recall those moments that you loved most? Enjoyed most? or might be say the unforgettable moments?

                        I would let you know and be aware of the fascinating story of happiness and simplyness with a wonderful girl named Faithy. Faithy was a girl lived at Lucero's Residence in Caloocan. She is nice, simply and friendly. Other says that she is cute and pretty but inside the mind of faithy is quite confused. She is often shy, mischievous , a little bit behave, sometimes weird and always faithful. She has a nice family because they respect and enjoy each others very well. They owned dogs namely: Golden, Bronson, Cassy and Smidget. But sad to say that cassy is missing.Faithy had so much fun times with them. She has a hobbies like watching animes/cartoons, eating sweets like chocolates and ice creams, reading manga but sometimes lectures and books. She is interested in playing drums and pianos, photography like picture taking anywhere, surfing nets, chatting/texting, medias and most of all she wants to explore anything she desired. As a matter of fact, She is quite naive girl.
                       In her past days, months and years, She had a lot of wonderful memories taken when she was in high school. When she was in freshmen , She doesn't know everything on their campus. But later on, Everything  had came to her mind. On the half year of being freshmen, She had met so many friends and met her classmates. She didn't expect that there was a nice people in their campus. Faithy had admired his very special friend name "zeke". He was a childhood sweetheart of her. They knew each others very well when they were in elementary and freshmen. They treated one another as  very special someone. But after a few months, Zeke had transferred to other school because of their  family problem. When she got in sophomores, She was really upset on that unexpected happened with zeke. After a few months ago, She forgot about it. She prioritized her studies and friends. They hang up often. She never knew that it was best to be joyful anytime than to be sorrowful. She had met her nice best friends. They treated each others as brothers and sisters. They had bonded anywhere they want. And they promised one another that "walang iwanan". Faithy and her best friends were happy in being singles. As days and time goes by, There was a mysterious boy on their campus whom admired faithy all the time. He courted her almost a year. The boy was very determined to get the "sweet yes" of faithy. Even though he knew that faithy is really "hard-to-get" because she busted her suitors many times. The boy wants to get the attention of faithy so he worked so hard to give presents and surprises for her. He didn't know that faithy had been looked up to him too. And when the day they talked to each other, faithy had confessed her feelings and she said that she also admired him. And the boy who suitored and admired by faithy was "Dale". They've been officially boyfriend and girlfriend since March, 2008 but not legally. Faithy had also enjoyed on being juniors. She had also met another friends and classmates. She never knew that she would met any kinds of people like weird, nerds,cool, nice, friendly and plastics. Faithy and friends didn't care about them because they were different from them. They enjoyed so much when they teased and bullied each others. Faithy and her best of friends built an identification team and defined as "faitaroyukeederzen". Under this named were faithy, kentaro, cherokee, yuson, ederlyn and zenrey. Each of them had a different personalities but actually they have the same attitudes and interests which are alike for them to became as one as brotherhood. They bonded also anywhere they wanted. Every time that they were bored, they seek of any strategies or places where their boredom be vanished. Faithy and her companies always helped each other to accomplished their tasks wherever and whenever. They didn't care on the people hated them because in their mind, it's only a cause of "insecurities". When every birthdays have arrived, they celebrated it very happily. Even whatever occasion was, they've been on a trip since then. In Christmas party at their school, they planned a competition of any kind of dress that could blew out their eyes. Their classmates was very amazing because they wore an assorted dresses. Even the "barkadas" of faithy have worn  called "weird shirts" but when faithy came, their eyes were twinkled and amazed. She wasn't defeated by anyone because she had worn a very awesome dress. Faithy had realized that she was in the midst of blameness. She didn't expected to won on that event. Faithy and her friends celebrated it after the party and they've went at the Mall of Asia with her boyfriend. They've watched the sunset til' 6:00 pm and walked along  the bay walk. After that, closing party had came next, Their emotions were mixed because it was their last day in being juniors. They enjoyed being as one. At seniors year, Faithy can't explained how much she felt when they saw her new classmates and the other remained. Even though the best friends of faithy were in different class, they've still together whatever they wanted but it usually happen often. In last year of being high school student, there was so many projects and activities to worked throughout the year. Faithy also enjoyed her being her being senior because she also met her new friends. But then,she still got hang out with her bestfriends. The best events on that year was the "juniors and seniors promenade ball". It was so fabulous. She danced by so many gentleman. And that evening there were some whose feelings had confessed to her. She was Mused by that time. She continued to enjoyed that event while her eyes were glimpsed on the colorful gowns and dresses.
                      Another wonderful event was the graduation day. It was the main event of the senior year. Faithy realized that this event was full of happiness and sorrowness. Everyone had cried when they got their diplomas. After the graduation ceremony in day, The graduation ball had came too. That evening, faithy along with her friends and classmates, danced while they cried. They promised of "walang kalimutan kahit kailan". And they planned to have a reunion party 5 years from then on.
                     In the college life of faithy at informatics college, She also met her new classmates. This time, can be count easily the students studies there. Faithy became a part of the clubs (IT club and IMAC club).
Faithy enjoyed it eventhough it was very hard for her to adjust because of the hectic schedules. She had a lot of fun incitements with her friends. As the unexpected ones, she met her bandmates. They are Rajesh, Mareon, Faithy, Lance, Jerick, Gab and Aira. They enjoyed playing their instruments as one.
                     One of the big event came to their scoohl was the Acquaintance Party. This was so amazing because every students who came to that party, have worn fabulous gowns, dresses, americana's and toxedos with their very own masks. The theme of the party was "Masquerade Ball" and it is a compulsory so everyone must obey the requirements within it. Everyone had enjoyed the night. Happily and Appreciately.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nuclear Fission VS Nuclear Fusion ( Compare and Contrast )

                      Defining Fission and Fusion.

                      Nuclear Fission is the process used in production of nuclear power. Fission involves splitting the nucleus of a heavy atom, such as uranium. This yields two or more lighter nuclei and a large amount of energy.
                     Nuclear Fusion , on the other hand, is the combination of two hydrogen nuclei into one helium nucleus, under conditions of extreme heat and pressure. Fusion is the process by which energy is created in the sun.
                    The functions of Fission
                    According from wikipedia , the free encyclopedia, In Nuclear physics and Nuclear chemistry, Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts(lighter nuclei), often producing free neutrons and photons( in the form of gamma rays), as well. Fission of heavy elements is an Exothermic Reaction, which can release large amounts of energy both as electromagnetic radiation and as kinetic energy of the fragments(heating the bulk material where fission takes place).
                    As a way of producing energy, the total binding energy of the resulting elements has to be lower than that of the starting elements. It is a form of nuclear transformation because the resulting fragments are not the same element as the original atom.

                     The Functions of  Fusion
                     According from wikipedia, "Fusion Power", is the power generated by nuclear fusion reactions . In this kind of reaction, two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus and in doing so, it release a large amount of energy. In a more general sense, the term can also refer to the production of net usable power from a fusion source, similar to the usage of the term "steam power". Most design studies for fusion power plants involve using the fusion reactions to create heat, which is then used to operate a steam turbine, which drives generators to produce electricity. Except for the use of a thermonuclear heat source, this is similar to most coal,oil, and gas-fired power stations as well as fission-driven nuclear power stations.
                   As I know this, Nuclear Fusion occurs naturally in stars. Artificial fusion in human enterprises has also been achieved, although it has not yet been completely controlled as an energy source. And so, the sun is a natural fusion reactor.

                  The Difference Between Fission and Fusion.
                  As far as I know, as a whole, Fission and Fusion are different types of nuclear reactions in which energy is released from the high-powered bonds between particles in the atomic nucleus. The atomic nucleus is most stable when binding energies between particles are strongest. This occurs with iron and nickel. For lighter atomic nuclei, energy can be extracted by combining these nuclei together, a process known as Nuclear Fusion. For a heavier than those of iron or nickel, energy can be extracted by splitting them apart in a process called Nuclear Fission.

                 Advantages and Disadvantages of Fission.
                 As generally briefing, these were based on my physics
    1. Relatively little fuel is needed and the fuel is relatively inexpensive and available in trace amounts around                                      the world.
    2. Fission is not believed to contribute to global warming or other pollution effects associated with fossil fuel combustion.
    1. Possibility of nuclear meltdown from uncontrolled reaction leads to nuclear fallout with potentially harmful effects on civilians.
     2. Waste products can be used to manufacture weapons.
     3. High Initial Cost because plant requires containment safeguards.

             Advantages and Disadvantages of Fusion.
     1. Fusion Reaction also generates elecricity.
     2. It is relatively CLEANER than fission.
         a. No Pollutants released.
         b.No Radioactive waste to bury or worry about.
      1. For fusion to occur, the extremely high temperature required must be achieved.
      2. Producing the container on where to place the high temperature gaseous ions. On Earth, the practical approaches being used are:
         a. Magnetic Confinement
         b. Inertial Confinement
         c. Safer since any malfunction results is rapid shutdown.

                               Summary - Compare and Contrast of Fission and Fusion.

                   1.   PROCESS
Heavy-> SPLIT-> lighter nuclei
Lighter nuclei->COMBINE->heavy nuclei
                  2.   CONTROLLED
Fission Reactor
Fusion Reactor
              3. UNCONTROLLED
Atomic Bomb
Hydrogen Bomb
                4.    FUEL
Limited U=235,
Deuterium and Tritium
         5.       Conditions t  o occur
Critical mass/ Neutron
Extremely high temperature/
                 6..     Energy Released
                 7.     Environmental Effects
a.       Possible nuclear accidents
b.      Generates electricity                               
c.       Routine emission of   radiation during normal operation
d.      Inadequate management
         a.       Possible nuclear accidents/ Safer
          b.      Generates Electricity
          c.       No pollutants released
          d.      No radioactive wastes to bury or worry about.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Premarital Sex (sexo prematrimonial) "cause and effect"

                  Premarital Sex(also called fornication) is sexual intercourse in by persons who are unmarried. It is generally used in reference to individuals who are presumed not yet of marriageable age, or between adults who will presumably marry eventually, but who are engaging in sexual activity prior to marriage.

                   According to the study by the UP Population Institute,one out of four Filipinos aged 15-24 are engaging in premarital sex. This years study also says that close to 4 million youngsters are engaging in premarital sex with 30% of the respondents doing it in their own homes while 18% were doing it inside motels and hotels.

                     Is it a responsibilities of a government?
                As far as i know, yes. The Government should come up about the reasons behind this. With the help of their parents, It can be avoided. The government must plan to teach sex education for the young people to have an open-mindedness. In some countries, premarital sex can be an offense in civil laws. Sex is the most deeply held, private matter for a person and in this case is a personal choice.

            I know that some youngsters who are dealing in premarital sex do not use any kinds of "Safetiness"
like condoms for men. So I would like to say that contraceptives can be use to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Programs about contraceptives can be helpful to every oneselves. It might be useful to lessen the population growth of our country.

              Orienting every teenagers is one of the best idea to enlighten their minds. Orientation is advisable for the understanding of what drives the change in Social Norms, Behavior and what type of policies will be more  effective in improving social welfare. The consequences for public policy of these are important. So discussing about Early Pregnancy in an orientation is best. Higher fractions of women are engaging in Premarital Sex ususally bring about more teenage childbearing , even when better contraceptives are available. Similarly, The spread of sexually-transmitted diseases, such as HIV/ AIDS, is a positive function of the proportion of young adults engaging in sex.

               What might be the possible causes of premarital sex?
                for me, I know there are some reasons why they engaging in this situation like as follows:
                -Family Problems
                -Being Broken heartedness does.




                What are the effects of premarital sex?
               In many Asian cultures, premarital sex is banned to prevent unwanted pregnancy in women. The tern is not generally applied to a couple which is in a committed long-term relationship such as Cohabitation.
              On a personal level, There are many effects of premarital sex. The most common effect for the individual is Loss of Self-Respect. Depending on the sexual encounter, It can have a devastating effect on the Self-Esteem. For those who have been raped, There are feeling of worthlessness, being "dirty","damaged goods", "not good enough", etc. The questions behind these, there are diseases that can play a major factor. There are times that you or your partner has ever slept with everyone else, and it is true.
                Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, and HIV are very real sexual diseases and souce of concern based on a researched study. When one engages in premarital sex, one risks having contact with these diseasesif one's partneris active with other partners.
              As a way to reduce Teenage Pregnancies and the prevalence of Sexually Transmitted diseases, Governments ,must have funded programs aimed at promoting abstinence or creating good "Social Norms".